Nail growing: Update

It’s going well! It’s been hard to refrain from biting them but I’ve found that distracting myself and sharing it on my blog has made me want to stick to it! I already feel like they look better – I haven’t had my nails this long in ages (and I know in the photos below it doesn’t look like much but to me it is!)

I find myself looking at my hands more and scrutinising them is the only thing! But my hands look a lot healthier than they did previously. Also where I had been biting them I would regularly have small ingrown corners where I had bitten the nail down so far and it grew back funny.

I recommend trying to give up biting your nails. It’s been okay so far and I’m hoping I now won’t be getting as many comments about how short or untidy my nails look…

And yes I’m aware I have very long fingers, especially my little finger!

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