Happiness = a swing in the garden šŸŒ±



Happiness = having a swing in the garden šŸŒ±Ā this is a hanging swing I bought from amazon a while back. I am able to hang it from a secure fixture in my bedroom ceiling or outdoor from this very handy (and sturdy) tree we have at the bottom of our garden! šŸŒæ Swinging is said to be great for regulating sensory peopleā€™s vestibular system and the motion of the swinging back and forth can be calming šŸŽ”

Itā€™s going to be a hot bank holiday weekend here in the U.K šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ and I know how lots of people can struggle with the heat both sensory and mental health wise. Itā€™s important that you do you, and by that I mean you do whatā€™s comfortable and what makes you happy. For example, if thatā€™s sitting inside in the cool and enjoying the view of the outside thatā€™s okay.

Whatā€™s not okay is peer pressure or questioning from others as to why you arenā€™t wearing ā€˜summer clothesā€™ or ā€˜getting out in the sunshineā€™. Not everyone enjoys the heat (and some of us have the added fun of being Ā very pale and burning easy šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø) so itā€™s important to be firm but polite in these situations with something like ā€˜Iā€™m enjoying the weather in my own way, but thanks for checking in on me.ā€™ šŸ– Any other ways you recommend saying this? Comment down below and letā€™s share ā˜ŗļø

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